Code Enforcement / MUNICES
Carbon Cliff MUNICES court dates are set for the 3rd Thursday each month.
Municipal Code Enforcement System (MUNICES) hears a wide range of cases involving violations of municipal ordinances that were once heard in the Rock Island County Circuit Court. Administration of MUNICES is handled by the Bi-State Regional Planning Commission. Because MUNICES hearings are held at the Rock Island City Hall, it expedites resolutions, reduces litigation expenses, and allows the Circuit Court to focus on more serious offenses. Hearings at City Hall also are more convenient for residents who wish to contest a ticket or citation.
An administrative hearing is a civil, not a criminal proceeding. Cases filed in adjudication are punishable by fines.
Under the administrative hearing system, a Hearing Officer, not the city entity that issued the ticket, complaint, or notice of violation, hears cases. MUNICES hears cases from Cities of East Moline, Moline, Rock Island, and Silvis; Villages of Andalusia, Carbon Cliff, Coal Valley, Hampton, and Milan; and Rock Island County for the following types of cases:
- Police-issued city ordinance tickets
- Building violations
- Zoning violations
Administrative Hearings:
The Procedure:
A city inspector, civil service officer, or police officer may issue a ticket or notice of violation or file a complaint against you. A case also may be initiated following a citizen or community complaint.
If you receive a ticket, complaint, or notice of violation ordering you to appear at a hearing before MUNICES, you or your representative must be present on the date and time specified. If English is not your first language, you may request an interpreter.
Who Must Appear:
If you are contesting charges, you may represent yourself or hire an attorney to represent you at your own expense.
In Car Owner Responsibility Assignment (CORA) ordinance cases, the registered owner of the vehicle must appear unless a notarized affidavit permitting a representative to appear is submitted.
A continuance is not allowed unless the Hearing Officer finds good cause. You can file a "Motion to Continue" for the Hearing Officer to make a ruling. If you or your representative fail to appear for the scheduled hearing, you are in default, and the Hearing Officer will conduct the hearing in your absence. You will still be subject to any fines.
If you are in default, you have 21 days to request a new hearing. To request a new hearing, file a “Motion to Vacate Default Judgment” form. At the time of filing your request, you will be scheduled for a hearing at which time the Hearing Officer will rule on your request. If your request is granted, you may be expected to proceed with your hearing immediately after the ruling.
Both "Motion to Continue" and the “Motion to Vacate Default Judgment” forms can be found online by visiting Once on the Bi-State website select Programs, then MUNICES Code Enforcement. Once on the MUNICES webpage, you will see the MUNICES forms on the upper left side. The forms may be e-mailed to, faxed to 309.793.6305, or filed in person between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday at the MUNICES office.
Attending Your Scheduled Hearing:
Review the schedule and location information on your ticket or notice of violation. A clerk at the hearing will have the docket of hearings scheduled for that day. All hearings start promptly at the time indicated on the notice. Therefore, it is recommended that you arrive in the hearing room a few minutes early. Once you enter the hearing room, please sit down until your case is called.
Court Hearings located at:
Rock Island City Hall
Council Chambers, Room 300 - 3rd Floor
1528 Third Avenue
Rock Island, IL 61201
The Hearing Process:
When the Hearing Officer enters the room, he will make an opening statement identifying himself, his role, expectations of a hearing, and the order in which cases will be called. When your case is called, you should acknowledge and step to the podium in front of the Hearing Officer’s bench. The hearing will begin immediately, and both sides will be given an opportunity to present testimony and evidence. All live testimony is given under oath and recorded.
You have the right to tell the Hearing Officer your side of the story. This includes using witnesses and physical evidence. Your presentation must deal specifically with the violation before the court. All documents presented may be retained by MUNICES as evidence. There are no public defenders and no right to a jury in these administrative hearings.
Proper conduct must be maintained at all times. Disruptive people will be removed from the hearing room.
Payment of Fines:
Fine payments are accepted Monday through Thursday between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm. Acceptable forms of payment are cash (please have the exact amount as we do not give change), check, or money order. Make your check or money order payable to Municipal Code Enforcement System or MUNICES. If you mail a payment in, please write the citation number on your check or money order; or send a copy of your ticket with your payment. Mail the payment to:
Room 315, Third Floor
1504 Third Avenue
Rock Island, IL 61201.
The Decision:
After both sides have been heard, the Hearing Officer will make a determination based on the evidence presented. If you are found liable, fines and costs will be imposed according to the guidelines set forth by the Code of Ordinances as established by the municipalities. The Hearing Officer’s decision will be in the form of a written document you receive at the end of the hearing.
Appealing the Decision:
If you disagree with the Hearing Officer’s decision, you have 35 days to file an appeal. Pursuant to state law, a final order of the Hearing Officer may be appealed by filing an action for administrative review in Circuit Court of Rock Island County within 35 days. Please note that the 35-day period to file an appeal is set by state law and that contacting MUNICES will not suspend the running of the 35-day appeal period. The state administrative review law is located in Section 3-101 through 3-113 of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure.
Please Note:
The information on this page merely summarizes procedures. For more information about the adjudication program please contact:
Municipal Code Enforcement System
Room 315, Third Floor
1504 Third Avenue
Rock Island, IL 61201
309.793.6300 ext. 1149
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. — 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Thursday
(Due to Court Proceedings)
Phone: (309) 793-6300 Ext. 1149
Relevant Documents
- Carbon Cliff Code Book / Ordinances
- Code of Ordinances - Rev 01/24 Posted 3:26 pm, January 4, 2024
- Zoning Ordinance Posted 2:36 pm, April 5, 2023
- IPMC adopted April 2021 Posted 4:33 pm, March 20, 2023
Contact Info
Meagan McIntire
Code Enforcement Officer
1001 Mansur Avenue
1504 3rd Avenue - 3rd Floor
Rock Island, Illinois 61201
309-793-6300 ext. 1149
View Website
MUNICES Office is closed on Fridays
Rock Island City Hall
1528 Third Avenue
Rock Island, Illinois 61201
Council Chambers, Room 300 - 3rd Floor